Reyna Bradford
Author, Speaker, Farmer, Dog Trainer
An Inspirational Woman Who Has Never Let Her Lack of Sight
Influence Her True Vision of Life
Left blind by a tumor since she was two years old, Reyna Bradford is a successful author, speaker, dog trainer, and goat farmer. Her book, In My Hands, Stories of the Land an Animals I Love but Can't See, shares the lessons, heartaches, and triumphs experienced by this extraordinary woman.
Reyna, who uses the word "blind," describes herself as a person with "grit." Those who observe her navigate life, find her remarkable. Reyna, however, doesn't see herself that way.
After some convincing, Reyna has agreed to share her stories, adventures, challenges, and triumphs as a visually-impaired woman living and working independently on a small hobby farm on the edge of the Kansas Flint Hills.
Take some time to visit with Reyna by reading her book, staying up-to-date with her blog, meet her dogs & other animals, and learn that what we might see as limitations are really just opportunities for finding your own unique path in life.

New Book from Reyna!

20 Nuggets of Training Wisdom Your Dog Will Thank You For...
Bringing a new puppy into your home is an exciting, life-changing event. In this informative and easy-to-follow book, Reyna Bradford, a life-long dog lover who has trained multiple breeds in a variety of canine sports, shares 20 things Every Owner Should Do to Raise a Dog Right.
Reyna has raised puppies and adopted adult rescues. She lives with and trains her houseful of dogs with common sense and confidence, but without the benefit of eyesight. Her techniques reflect a special connection with dogs and offer unique insights to anyone who wants to start things off right with a new furry best friend.
Top Twenty Tips include: exercise, socialization, grooming and handling, what tools to use, the importance of consistency, being smart about treats, training “on the fly,” and teaching a reliable recall.
Watch this inspiring video that provides a sneak-peak into Reyna's daily life -
Reyna's blog will make you laugh, smile, cry, and look at life from a unique point of view...